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Volunteering and Committee Involvement

    The Guide to Volunteering

    and the Participation Interest Form

    Our Chapter recognizes each person’s ability to give of their time and talent is unique. We are thrilled that you have taken the time to seek out this page and learn a bit more about getting involved!

    We know our organization cannot move the ball forward without our volunteers. The contribution of your time and talent are the very foundation of our Chapter!

    We also know, you likely wear many hats and much of your time is already dedicated to your job, home, and family. Those who have an interest in getting involved with our Chapter may shy away from the thought of an additional commitment.

    Everyone’s contribution counts! We welcome all levels of participation! Whether a one-time volunteer or are a regularly scheduled contributor, we need you!

    In what ways might you like to get a bit more engaged? There are lots of ways to help, start small or jump in with both feet, either way, our chapter will be better for it! From offering to help with something as simple as helping greet participants at an event, to serving on a committee or working your way up to serving on the Board of Directors, we need, want and appreciate your support!

    Here are a few ideas to get your wheels turning. If you have a specific idea about how you would like to help, please let us know! Scroll down to fill out the Volunteer Interest form, we are waiting for YOU!

    ·        Lending your experience and expertise to the Chapter

    ·        Greeting participants at a program, event or mixer

    ·        Make event reminder phone calls

    ·        Set-up or clean-up after events

    ·        Content & Speaker planning

    ·        Joining a committee (or 2!)

    Programs & Professional Development; Hospitality; Membership; College Relations; SHRM Foundation; Certification; Workforce Readiness; Diversity & Inclusion; Marketing & Publicity; Social Media;Newsletters; SHRM Certification, SHRM Foundation

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