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Member Welcome Guide



    Member Welcome Guide

    Welcome to SNVSHRM!

    Our diverse membership, representing every type and size business within the Southern Nevada community, lends itself to excellent networking opportunities. We are an association, so we encourage you to associate! Get to know your peers and develop relationships to lift one another up. The HR field is constantly evolving! “Rising Tides, Lift All Boats”; so, engaging with a network of professionals who are living their craft every day, learning and succeeding, is bound to lift us all!

    We have an exciting slate of events, programs and seminars planned each year. Our Chapter hosts monthly program meetings featuring guest speakers discussing the latest HR topics, as well as specialty programming on subjects related to Workforce Readiness and Diversity.

    We continue to host top employment law attorneys for legislative and legal updates, which prove as a valuable resource for HR departments of 1 or 100!

    If standing out with a Human Resources Professional designation appeals to you, we provide information on opportunities to participate in formalized study programs to help you prepare for the PHR/SPHR or SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP certification exams. Lead by local facilitators, these programs have, assisted many of our local professionals attain the designations that set them apart!Chapter!

    SHRM Membership

    SHRM is the leading voice of the human resource profession, representing the interest of more than 200,000 professional and student members from around the world, SHRM provides its membership with education and information services, conferences and seminars, government and media representation, and publications that equip Human Resource Professionals to become leaders and decision makers within their organizations.

    Our Chapter is 100%  Chapter, this means that your membership in SHRM is recognized as “automatic eligibility” to become a member of our Chapter without any additional dues or fees. But membership with SNV SHRM, requires you to act! Please ensure that you have designated SNV SHRM to be your “Home Designated Chapter”. If you need any assistance with designating us, please contact a member of our Membership Committee.

    To join SHRM go to or you can download the application here.

    Volunteers, Committees and Our Board

    We are committed to providing guidance, education and direction to Southern Nevada communities in the field of Human Resources. Our Chapter is committed to serve our members through our Chapters, volunteers, committee members and our Board of Directors.

    To that end, we recognize the importance of creating a strong bench of engaged volunteers to take on roles within those committees. These individuals are an integral part of our leadership succession planning and the continued success and viability of our organization!

    We are ready for you to participate! Check out the highlights below and volunteer on any of our committees, at a level of involvement suitable to the time you have to give. We encourage you to review our guide,  “Roles, Responsibilities and Benefits of Being a Volunteer”. This guide provides a summary as well as a deeper dive into the various roles and committees the Chapter needs to operate as a viable resource to the HR community! We know there is a volunteer role that will speak to you, and we hope you will get engaged!

    Click here to volunteer!

    Click here to review our Roles, Responsibilities and Benefits of Being a Volunteer.

    Click her to see our current Board of Directors listing with contact information

    Committee Highlights

    Membership Committee

    The Membership committee is key to the continued success of our chapter. With a diverse range of responsibilities, this committee is responsible for new member orientation, coordination of all volunteers, designing recruitment campaigns and increasing member retention. A desire to network, be a spokesperson in the local community and market the chapter and member benefits are key to this high profile committee.

    Government Affairs & Legislative Committee

    Tracks legislation which affects the HR profession. This may include workers compensation, FMLA, discrimination, etc. Circulates "calls to action" as needed to solicit participation from members and contact legislators.

    Diversity & Inclusion Committee

    Tracks legislation which affects the HR profession. This may include workers compensation, FMLA, discrimination, etc. Circulates "calls to action" as needed to solicit participation from members and contact legislators.

    Workforce Readiness Committee

    This committee focuses on the two sides of workforce readiness: First, is ensuring new and returning workplace entrants are prepared to enter the workforce with the requisite knowledge, skills, and abilities required to succeed in the workplace. Second is to ensure that the workplaces are productive by welcoming the new workforce.

    College Relations Committee

    Work closely with the next wave of Human Resources professionals! Manage college outreach efforts and any scholarship program, internship program or other initiatives developed by the committee for our chapter. Work closely with the Young Professionals committee.

    College Relations Committee

    Work closely with the next wave of Human Resources professionals! Manage college outreach efforts and any scholarship program, internship program or other initiatives developed by the committee for our chapter. Work closely with the Young Professionals committee.

    SHRM Foundation Committee

    This committee is committed to supporting the SHRM Foundation's mission to mobilize the power of HR and activate the generosity of donors to lead positive social change impacting all things work. Read more about the SHRM Foundation at

    SHRM Certification Committee

    Professional designations set our members apart and represent their commitment to their craft! This committee promotes the SHRM designations such as SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP as well as HRCI’s PHR, SPHR and others. Help plan, promote, conduct or even facilitate segments of formalized study programs!

    Professional Development & Programs

    The heart of the chapter is our programming. Our programs committee is responsible for recruiting and scheduling quality speakers for the year, coordinating with other Chapter committee’s programming slates and maintaining our calendar of events. A flair for recruiting with a dash of sales and marketing thrown in will make this an enjoyable volunteer opportunity!

    Hospitality Committee

    A high-profile position, the hospitality committee is responsible for greeting and processing all attendees to our monthly program meetings, conferences, and events as well as promoting current initiatives, raffles, contests. If you enjoy meeting and welcoming people to our organization this is a great volunteer opportunity!

    Marketing & Public Relations Committee

    Key to our continued development as a chapter and a leading resource in the community is through promotion of the Chapter and recruiting Sponsorships and Business Partnerships! These efforts draw attention to our good works toward HR Professionalism. Do you have a flair for organizing special events, writing catchy press releases and a photographer's eye? If so, this is a fun way to volunteer!

    Young Professionals Committee

    Foster the growth and future of our chapter by engaging with our current and future members in a concerted effort to attract, engage and retain members early in their career. Weaving the diversity of young professionals in their 20’s and 30’s or “YP’s” into the organization. By engaging this member segment, our chapter will see continued growth, ideas and innovation within our chapter’s membership.

    Social Media & Website Committee

    This area of communications takes those who are tech-savvy and those who want to be and engages them to elevate the Chapter’s exposure and presence through various social media and web platforms. If you always had a burning desire to inspire, promote, write or otherwise communicate, this is a great start!