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SNVSHRM Membership Chairperson

    SNVSHRM Membership Chairperson

    Summary: The membership committee is key to the continued success of our chapter. With a diverse range of  responsibilities, this committee is responsible for new member orientation, coordination of all volunteers, designing  recruiting campaigns and increasing member retention. This committee works closely with the newsletter and publicity  committees. A desire to network, be a spokesperson in the local community, and market the chapter and member  benefits are key to this high-profile committee. 


    Participate in SHRM Membership Core Leadership Area volunteer leader conference calls and webcasts. • As a 100% SHRM Chapter, work to educate all local area SHRM members of the process to designate SNV  SHRM as their designated (home) chapter, highlighting this as a source of financial support from their SHRM dues. • Ensure the maintenance of the chapter’s membership database to produce a print or online annual membership  roster/directory and applicable addendums. 

    Obtain monthly lists of new members from SHRM. Enter the new members into the chapter member database. o Assign committee members to welcome each new members & acknowledge renewing members. o Invite them to become more engaged by participating in events or volunteer with committees. • Conduct at least one (1) chapter Membership Drive related program annually. 

    Educate members on how to maintain their online chapter profile and SHRM profile. 

    o Check periodically with members whose email addresses no longer work to obtain their updated information. o Maintain a notice in each chapter communication outlet that members should review and update any  changes to their contact information and how to accomplish this. 

    In conjunction with the Chapter Administrator; 

    o Publish the membership directory on the chapter website. 

    o Keep an up-to-date roster of names and addresses of all chapter members. If addresses are changed, assist  members with online change-updates.  

    o Handle all correspondence in relation to SHRM membership applications and forward all applications to  SHRM upon receipt.

    Please note: This is a voluntary role



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