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Event Details

    What is the Future of HR?

    Date: October 10, 2019, 7:30am – 9:30am
    United Way, Boyd Gaming Community Room
    5830 W Flamingo
    Las Vegas, NV 89103
    $25 Member | $35 Non Member
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    What is the Future of HR?

    Synopsis of this Presentation:

    The presentation is an examination of the trends shaping the HR landscape with practical advice and resources on how you as an HR professional can prepare for them. The focus of the presentation is what the practioner should know, do, learn to prepare for the future.
    Microphone and PowerPoint

    By the end of the workshop the HR professional will:

    • Describe and discuss the trends
    • Identify the top trends within their work environment
    • Examine their personal and professional goals in context to the trends
    • Create a personal development plan for you and your organization


    About the Presenter 

    NicoleHudson PNGsm Feb14GV


    Nicole Hudson is the Associate Director of Campus Relations for the Office of Online Education with UNLV. She has spent the past 20 years in higher education in administration and teaching in the areas of business and human resources. She holds degrees and certificates in Business and Management. She earned her doctorate in Education in the area of Organizational Leadership. She stays abreast of trends and opportunities through her studies and research. Since 2016, she has been a facilitator for the SNV SHRM study group. She has worked in industry in healthcare staffing, talent acquisition and learning and development.

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