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    When Domestic Violence Comes to Work, What must HR Do?

    Date: October 11, 2018, 7:30am – 9:30am
    Opportunity Village/Kitty Rodman Bldg - Park & enter at N.E. corner
    6050 S. Buffalo Dr.
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89113
    $25 Member | $35 Non Member
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    In  recognition of October which is Domestic Violence Awareness month, we present:

    When Domestic Violence Comes to Work,

    What MUST HR Do?


    Synopsis of this Presentation:    In observance of October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month, this presentation focuses on HR’s role to comply with Nevada’s new Domestic Violence Victims’ Law.


     Attendees will learn:

     -What is the legal definition of Domestic Violence

    -What are the characteristics of perpetrators of Domestic Violence

    -What types of documentation can HR require of employees who are Domestic Violence Victims

    -What types of reasonable accommodations must HR implement for employees who are Domestic Violence Victims

    -What conduct by employers is prohibited by the new Nevada law

    -What records are HR required by the new state law to maintain regarding employees who are Domestic Violence Victims


    connyeharperAbout the Presenter 
    Previously a litigator, Connye Harper's practice now focuses entirely on preventive counseling, management and staff training, policy development and nonprofit management. She is a recognized expert in the fields of employment practices, including sexual harassment and implicit bi as, and has been quoted in many newspaper articles and magazines addressing these issues.

    Her Specialties are: Labor and Employment Law Compliance, Organizational Behavior, Nonprofit Management and Alternative Dispute Resolution.  She is a member of the prestigious College of Labor and Employment Law, the State Bar of Michigan and a graduate of the University of Michigan Law School.


    This meeting has been submitted for SHRM and HRCI Recertification credit



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